
Monday, September 28, 2009

JohnsonCityPress.com - Local News - Johnson City, TN

mall in TN throws the anti obama store out then swears it wasn't because of the political content
they are liars and deserve to be boycotted
in fact if it's a mall mgmt company with other locations they need to be boycotted too
TBO.com - News From AP

the presidetn is going to denmark
wonder what bus he will throw them under

he seems to not like those who are somhow like like us
Liberals seek health-care access for illegals - Washington Times

of course they do

because as they see it borders are just something man or proba bly conservatives created
CNSNews.com - People Can Opt Out of Listing STDs, Abortions in Gov't-Mandated Electronic Health Records, Patrick Kennedy Says

so we have a data base to gather data but you can exclude things that liberals care about

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Associated Press: Bill Clinton speaks of vast, right-wing conspiracy

because you can't just be against a president's policy when they are that smart it must be something evil
Attorney: OKC bombing tapes appear edited :: WRAL.com

hate to sound like a conspiracy guy but this is funny

tape of the ok city bombing released by FIA
problem is there is nothing on the tapes until after the bombing
no activity right before the blast
the feds say they were being reloaded with tape or out of tape of it was a weather balloon
what a bunch of bad liars
What's true cost of a Starbucks latte, author asks :: WRAL.com

there is a never ending supply of people who love to instruct others how to run a business or what to produce or how to live
this history professor at temple is the latest asshat to come forth
he sounds like he wants the past where people could sit around and discuss weighty things or
perhaps even listen to him and his fellow gasbags

listen up professor if you want a quaint little coffee shop then open one
John Edwards' ex-mistress, Rielle Hunter, targeted by Elizabeth Edwards in blog comments - source

not saying she doesn't have a reason but mrs. edwards is a mean spirited woman
More school: Obama would curtail summer vacation - Yahoo! News

remember obama knows best
and the sooner the rest of you racists sob's learn that the better
he is THE expert on everything

Saturday, September 26, 2009

EDITORIAL: Reid blocks ACORN probe - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

is this a great country or what??

where even a partisan hack can rise to a position or real power

Thursday, September 24, 2009

CNSNews.com - Administration Will Cut Border Patrol Deployed on U.S-Mexico Border

mostly his party doesn't seem to believe in borders so why have agents
They're torturing me, Honduras' Manuel Zelaya claims - Honduras - MiamiHerald.com

claims radiation and the jews are after him too

and our government supports this nut bar
Michael Vick to play Sunday; QB: 'I thought I'd be ... starting' - The Huddle: Football News from the NFL - USATODAY.com

now we know how he got into this trouble in the first place

he's a moron
Elementary School Students Taught Pro-Obama Songs - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

yes dear leader

now that this is public let the backtracking begin
well except in the no nothing media
they see nothing wrong and know nothing wrong

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

TBO.com - News From AP

Lutherans vote to ordain gays and now some are withholding donations to oppose this move

their presiding bishop "warned Wednesday that withholding financial support to protest a recent gay clergy vote would be "devastating" to the church."

i think that is the whole point there smart guy

don't care how this works out but they should have known this would make some people angry and they would vote with their checkbooks or their feet

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

South Carolina county takes action against Bank of America after flag controversy | WCBD 

South Carolina county takes action against Bank of America after flag controversy WCBD

so the bank doesn't seem proud to be american?

they removed the flags lining the funeral route of a marine

of course it was a communications problem
the problem is that BofA fails to communicate that it is a very PC organization apparently

Sunday, September 20, 2009

so this is what is meant by a free press

they don't do their real job and get "free" money for doing pr work

Obama open to newspaper bailout bill - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Video: The obligatory “Wolf Blitzer utterly destroyed on Celebrity Jeopardy” clip 

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Video: The obligatory “Wolf Blitzer utterly destroyed on Celebrity Jeopardy” clip

no this can't be he is a liberal journalist
and as we all know that is the highest form of humanity even
higher than liberal politicians
he can't really be dumb as a stump

yes he can have you ever listened to this boob??
TBO.com - News From AP

cougar reported on microsoft campus

more than one i bet

Ex-aide says Edwards fathered mistress' child :: WRAL.com 

Ex-aide says Edwards fathered mistress' child :: WRAL.com

surprise surprise surprise

Friday, September 18, 2009

UNC system changing funding formula :: WRAL.com 

UNC system changing funding formula :: WRAL.com

they are changing the formula by which the university system allocates funds

every time anything like this happens i tend to think

unc ch wants a different way to get more money

Health plan to begin checking state workers for smoking, obesity :: WRAL.com 

Health plan to begin checking state workers for smoking, obesity :: WRAL.com

how about alcoholism and drug use??


guess we souldn't want to pry or amke some people feel bad

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Polish PM wouldn't take U.S. calls - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com 

Polish PM wouldn't take U.S. calls - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

i'm so glad this administration is restoring our standing with other nations

Reporter Sneezes the Wrong Way in Front of Secy Sebelius - Political Punch 

Reporter Sneezes the Wrong Way in Front of Secy Sebelius - Political Punch

we have ways of making you sneeze correctly

RealClearPolitics - Video - Pelosi Chokes Up Warning Against Political "Violence" 

RealClearPolitics - Video - Pelosi Chokes Up Warning Against Political "Violence"

so basically she wants the racist mob of subjects to shut up and eat their cake

House Bill Would Kill Subsidized Student Loans 

House Bill Would Kill Subsidized Student Loans

with the govt at the sole lender then i wonder what other criteria will be applied
and how pressure from elected officials will help dictate the flow of money

just wondering

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

TBO.com - News From AP

cy vance-- the son wions primary to be ny da

if he is really his father's son the the criminals will have a field day
what a joke as secy of state the father was

Keith Floyd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

Keith Floyd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

he died just the other day
i was reading bits of his forthcoming autobiography online
i always liked the shows-- the first cooking shows i really enjoyed
wish they would show the reruns on some channel-- again
sorry to see him go

Greenspan Sees Threat U.S. Congress Will Hamper Fed (Update2) - Bloomberg.com 

Greenspan Sees Threat U.S. Congress Will Hamper Fed (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

only if they can

because they did so well in the housing deal and the bailout

Obama Admin: Cap And Trade Could Cost Families $1,761 A Year - Taking Liberties - CBS News 

Obama Admin: Cap And Trade Could Cost Families $1,761 A Year - Taking Liberties - CBS News

a small price to pay to make dear leader happy

Sheriff's Department Responds To Sonic Device Outrage - San Diego News Story - KGTV San Diego 

Sheriff's Department Responds To Sonic Device Outrage - San Diego News Story - KGTV San Diego

because retired people are a real threat
i guess anyone is if you believe the media
Duo who turned this trick

the acorn tapes

see these people have an agenda not like real journalists
thus all they found out is not valid

more along citizen nothing to see here

EXCLUSIVE: W.H. collects Web users' data without notice - Washington Times 

EXCLUSIVE: W.H. collects Web users' data without notice - Washington Times

evil bush white house collecting web user data without telling them

Carter: Racism plays major role in opposition to Obama - CNN.com

this is rich
an anti-Semite calls the rest of us racist

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Snuggie shows new styles at NY Fashion Week :: WRAL.com

i want a sham wow snuggie
what a bath robe that would be
TBO.com - News From AP
jody powell the advisor to carter is dead
he didn't make it much longer than ham jordan did he
TBO.com - News From AP

the guy who shot the anti abortion protester
he had a grudge yeah that's the ticket he wasn't a terrorist just a killer

now he was having problems with his meds

see previous story for the press taking sides
they will do anything to keep from saying this guy didn't like the anti abortion message anything at all
Press Accuracy Rating Hits Two Decade Low: Overview - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

lets see
they push an agenda
can't even get things straight unless it fits the narrative
and can't make money
great job folks

BTW this is all your fault
Marcus the sheep is dead: Parents fail in last minute stay of execution Mail Online

head mistress kills sheep to auction off the meat
parents don't like the decision and the sheep was not asked

moron in charge says she wants everyone to move on

don't dumbasses always say that when they screw up

Monday, September 14, 2009

boy leno starts strong
just turned over to get the bush and cheney jokes
perhpas he did some obama material earlier but i doubt it
guess i'll turn back on after the ball game for the nixon material

ps if you were watching he game you saw why the bills suck
'Dirty Dancing' star Patrick Swayze dies at 57 - Yahoo! News

sorry to see him go and yes i liked the fact that he didn't stop smoking after the diagnosis-- like it was going to help at that point
yet some people were all over him said he should be an example

he was he fought it on his terms
Casey Anthony latest: Attorneys say private investigator gave conflicting stories -- OrlandoSentinel.com

all of this is coming from the woman who says she was slandered
amazing she has the money for all the lawyers
wonder if the attorneys just happen to be class mates and real friends of the DA??
just wondering??

Sunday, September 13, 2009

NFL Game Center: Philadelphia Eagles at Carolina Panthers - 2009 Week 1

The call in show after the game was interesting. The hosts and callers acted like they were all surprised at the outcome. Strange given that this is in line with the entire preseason-- this team sucks.
The general manager says it is only a question of confidence-- not true it is a questions of competence.
The team looked either untalented or uncoached. they also gave a 20 million extension to the qb who absolutely killed them with turnovers today and in the playoff loss last season.
U.S. Open reviewing end of Williams match - Tennis News - FOX Sports on MSN

the rules should not apply to the stars i guess
Big Firms, Little Competition Mark Federal Stimulus Deals - WSJ.com

well if you don't believe in markets then you might not believe in competition either

Saturday, September 12, 2009

TBO.com - News From AP

anti abortion protester gets killed and the killer had a "grudge"

not a political act and not an act of terrorism but a grudge

how far will they go in protecting people they tend to agree with??

an f---ing grudge
TBO.com - News From AP

judicial candidate in washington liked the name joe wilson as it reminded people out there of the guy who hated bush

but now some people are confusing him with the guy who shouted at obama

let me tell you if your voters can't tell the difference between a judicial candidate and a member of congress from SC then they are too stupid to vote

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Mass murder at 30,000 feet: Islamic extremists guilty of airline bomb plot - Times Online

since these guys didn't actually kill anyone
i wonder when the brits will let these guys go
guess we should be glad the scots didn't spring them already
Stone film says U.S. demonises Chavez Entertainment Reuters

between stone and moore i don't know which one dislikes this country the most

Monday, September 07, 2009

Jones doesn't seem inclined to ever move video board ProFootballTalk.com

jerry jones on a mission to make football like baseball

the position that football has achieved in the country is partly based on a sharing of wealth and chances to get talent

people like jerry jones with a talent for making money seem to think they should be able to buy a title every year

so far it has not worked but that attitude will wreck the league and cause it to become a league of haves-- not many and
plenty of have nots
most of us will stop watching if it becomes that
only he doesn't think so and only cares for his own team and not the league
Van Jones decries 'lies and distortions,' quits as Obama's environmental advisor -- latimes.com

why did he even have to speak the MSM did it for him
no wait they ignored the whole thing
Gibbs: Opponents of Obama starting 'Animal House food fight' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

remember you can only trash evil republicans

anything else is probably anti american

i don't like the personal trashing but do enjoy the payback

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Levi Johnston: Not Much Parenting At Palin Home

wish this guy had been arrested with his mom
he is a real piece of work

ECU plans to trim top jobs - News | Reflector.com 

ECU plans to trim top jobs - News Reflector.com

i'm believe it when i actually see it and not a press release
i want to put my hand in the side and see the nail holes

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

FIRST ON WITN: Second Degree Murder Charge For Atallah In Crash

sad case this is local and my son knew these people

ABC's Charles Gibson leaving 'World News,' Diane Sawyer to replace him - Politico Staff - POLITICO.com 

ABC's Charles Gibson leaving 'World News,' Diane Sawyer to replace him - Politico Staff - POLITICO.com

so another patronizing elitist leaves the networks

too little too late
TBO.com - News From AP

manson follower wants to not die in jail
she should rot in jail

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